The dust is settling from the moving whirlwind. Each day, we become a bit more familiar and comfortable with our new surroundings. I will be in explore mode for quite some time. At least I am having fun now that I have the lay of the land in my head (and an ever-so-handy GPS to avert crisis. Seriously, how did people navigate without one? I cannot fathom!)
We are mostly unpacked but still have work to do to find a place for all our belongings. Unfortunately, I think that means most of it will find its way to the attic. Which makes me think that really it’s time to PURGE. I have such a problem with letting go. I am not a hoarder per se (although my husband may beg to differ.). But perhaps I have the same hoard tendencies. My stuff holds memories. I remember who gave it to me and/or where I got it. Remembering makes me feel good. I fear throwing it away because I have a horrible memory. I rewrite my history all the time. And I don’t want to lose that loving feeling. Or sometimes I just feel practical holding onto it, as in I “might” need it one day.
What are some of the things that I “might” need one day?
• Baby Stuff (crib, clothes, toys, practically everything!)
We have been moving all the baby stuff for years now. I’m holding out that another baby is in our immediate future (next 2 years or so!). I’m not sure why I kept all the boy’s clothes because clothes are probably the easiest to replace. Yet you know Murphy’s Law: Since I have carted these clothes around all these years (5 totes and counting), I will have a girl (Yes, please!). Or a boy but not during the same season (summer baby, no if I can avoid it!) and thus will not be able to use the clothes.
• A tote FULL of old T-shirts from junior high, high school & college
I have every INTENTION of making my very own T-shirt quilt. That is what I tell my husband every time I see him eye the tote. He has only pointed out once, maybe twice, that I still do not know how to sew nor have I ever bothered to learn on the shiny-new-still-in-the-box sewing machine that we received as a wedding gift. (I have been a spoiled wifey for quite some time.) Seriously, would I actually pay someone to sew the quilt for me? Highly unlikely. Hmmm…I’m thinking it’s time to say bye-bye.
• Work Awards from 2004
Who cares that I was Civilian of the Quarter at my workcenter 6 years ago? I don’t! So safe to say that nobody else does either. If that is my crowning achievement to date, then I am more boring than I thought! And a bit pathetic that a quarterly award would be an esteem booster for me. (Note: If the award was the Spoiled Wifey of the Year Award, I’d consider keeping it, just because it would have to be something snarky from my Hubby!) Toss!
Whew! I’m feeling better already!