Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Random Thoughts on a Random Tuesday of the Summer

I’ve been neglecting you, Blogosphere & Future Me (Leisure Reading for my 40s as to what I did in my 30s).  No surprise – I’ve been busy, keeping up with the kids during summer break, travel, and getting rid of stuff.

The rate at which “stuff” comes into my house DOES NOT equal the rate at which “stuff” exits.  I am making progress very slowly.  I am motivated this week to increase my purging productivity.  My very generous MiL bought Little Man bunk beds, which were delivered this past Sunday.  Due to built-in shelves in Little Man’s room, the kids have to switch rooms.  Furniture is all over the house in the interim.  I’m debating what to do with the queen mattress now.  It is currently stuck on the basement stairwell.  I thought I could move it alone and that it would slide down the stairs.  Um, no.  It’s too big.  Which also means we (me + whomever I recruit to move it) probably won’t be able to fit it through the walk-up stairs to the attic.  The bed frame, which was in very bad shape after multiple moves and one too many fun times, is already broken up into pieces, outside, waiting for trash pickup (also dependent on when I can recruit someone to help me move it on a Sunday).  This not-having-Man-Muscles-around can really become inconvenient at times.  (An aside:  I’m trying to figure out how to reconnect my cable.  I may have to Borrow-A-Husband for this duty.  Ugh!)

The key to survival is SUMMER CAMP!  Little Man is in camp 7 out of 10 weeks of summer.  It’s just better for everyone.  This week he is in Creative Drama Camp with a Norse theme (Think Thor).  Next week is Harry Potter Camp with a science focus.  The first 3 weeks of summer was Peace Camp, a family visit to Wisconsin, and “Mommy Camp.”  For Mommy Camp, I had all these great ideas.  The only idea that came to fruition was a movie “Madagascar 3” to include popcorn & Icee (Food cost more than the movie tickets!).  I somehow lazed out of swimming and Chuck E Cheese (thankfully!).

Diva Darling is in part-time daycare.

Having a few hours to myself a week has been integral to maintaining my sanity this summer.

I, of course, have much more to tell, but alas the bed is calling.  I’m up too late as it is.  If I wait to post until I complete my original intentions, we all know it won’t get posted.  Perhaps in the near future, I will post some notes/observations about the annual trek to Wisconsin for the Great-Grandparents Anniversary Celebration and my mad party planning skills for my BFF’s Bachelorette Party.  I am still recovering.  Not necessarily from excessive debauchery  but from sleep deprivation.  To bed!