I am breezing through life today
in a velour lounge suit with ballet flats.
This attire signals a true embrace of all things Suburban Mama. I’m not even trying to fake anyone out (or
myself) by wearing running shoes, as if I already did or am going to do my workout
at some point today. Some days elevated
heart rate results only from over-consumption of coffee or having Diva Darling
scare me half to death with her Near Miss Catastrophe of an Inquisitive Toddler
What I am really trying to
embrace is taking my day slow, let it unfold, not having my mind racing,
accepting the Now and relishing in its moments.
Letting go. Letting go of
Facebook updates and email checks, letting go that I wish I was doing something
else, letting go of trying to be the perfect mama, letting go that I will never
have “House Beautiful” while I’m living in it 24-7. Embracing that my life is about Diva Darling,
Handsome Little Man, Incontinent Dog #1, and Neurotic Dog #2. Embracing that there is A LOT OF LOVE every
single day, but there is A LOT OF CLEANING every single day, too. They just go hand-in-hand. And the sooner I accept it, the less
frustrated I will be.
So as I write this, Diva Darling
naps. The dogs nap. The washing machine is whirling. I can’t
check Facebook or email because the Internet is down, which is a good
thing. I also can’t check Craigslist,
which I also check daily about employment opportunities, thinking that the perfect
job will appear for which I am the perfect candidate, and accepting it will be
worth the juggle. Please note that
actually submitting a cover letter and resume is an entirely different
subject. But in my head, I have the job!
So my morning:
- Boy up.
- Diva Darling up. Diaper Change.
- Boy & Diva Darling fed.
- Snack/lunch made for the Boy.
- Barked at the Boy to hurry it up.
- Walked Boy to the bus stop with Diva Darling in tow (Carried).
- Let Diva Darling walk back to the house ever so slowly. Up the stairs. Down the stairs. Explore.
- Walked Neurotic Dog to do her business, while keeping an eye on Diva Darling.
- Walked Incontinent Dog to do her business. Had help from Diva Darling.
- Diaper Change.
- Diva Darling Captivated by Potty Trainer & Toilet Paper. This is a surprise since I have not even introduced this concept to her. She does tell me when she has soiled her diaper and wants to be changed right away. But today she was watching me on the toilet (yes, yes. There is no privacy. Ever. I know. TMI.). And I showed her the potty (which doubles as a step stool), which has been the bathroom all this while. And she sat on it and “practiced” with toilet paper. Hmm. I do know they say girls pick up on this earlier than boys. We shall see.
- Chased Diva Darling around to change her clothes and get ready for class.
- Diva Darling & I attended a Mommy & Me movement class. Skipped out early because Diva Darling is not playing nice. After redirecting her a gazillion times and telling her to use “Gentle Hands”, I reached my limit. We went outside to the playground instead.
- Ran to the drugstore for envelopes (Room Parent responsibility) and milk (Errand for my neighbor).
- Home.
The only time I write is when Diva Darling is asleep. I write at naptime or late at night. So as I type, I now have a slumbering child, and then soon it
will be time to feed the well-rested Cyclone. Chase
the Cyclone. Diaper Change the
Cyclone. Play with Cyclone. Meet the other Cyclone at the Bus Stop.
Let’s not even discuss the 4pm to
8pm After-school Duty. That’s a whole
post by itself!
And there’s my day. But I’m wearing my velour lounge suit and
therefore, I can do all things!