Wednesday, May 26, 2010

TIME: Too Much or Not Enough

This past year I have either had TOO MUCH time on my hands or NOT ENOUGH.

The month of May has hit record pace of activity and I feel like there is definitely NOT ENOUGH time. I have tunnel vision and am focusing on one day at a time, checking it off, and then moving onto the next activity on my to-do list.

Consider if you will my May:

• Cleaned for/Welcomed MiL to our home to watch kiddo while I traveled to DC.

• Traveled to DC Metro to search for a suitable long-term rental. FOUND ONE! Relief!

• Visited the Georgia Aquarium with my family for my Mother’s Day present (We had to squeeze it in before we left. Hubby didn’t want to be left out.).

• Cleaned for/Welcomed Parents to our home to watch kiddo while I recover from a tonsillectomy.


• While I’m recovering, which involves lots of sleeping, taking it easy, eating a soft diet (which I think makes me crabbier than the pain. I swear I’m not getting enough calories.), I am also in the middle of planning party extraordinaire for the boy.

• Oh yes, and let me not forget: My washer bit the bullet this past week, too. We will not replace it since we move next month and our rental has a washer & dryer. So I will be hauling my laundry to the laundromat or to friends’ house for the next 6 weeks. GOOD TIMES!

• Birthday Party with 22 kids at the United Gymstars & Cheer Center. Let me tell you that this was worth every penny spent! Primarily for the A/C alone as it was a hot, hot Southern afternoon.

• Realtor Pics. We have been fortunate to live in my parents’ rental home (discounted rent!). They have decided to sell the house while we are still in it. So I had to massively clean up the house to create the why-isn’t-this-home-cozy look which essentially means I can’t live in my house (no messes, no clutter). The realtor walked through and took pictures at the beginning of the week.

As soon as the universe realizes that you are moving, it converges on you to make life incredibly hectic. Not so hectic to break you. Just hectic enough that you have to dig down to your happy place and do whatever one needs to remain sane and functional. My normal operating mode is lots of coffee. In moving mode, I require more than coffee (and I’m currently banned from hot liquids anyway!). I need endorphins! And when I get neither coffee or endorphins, I then overeat and gain weight. Ask anyone who moves frequently and I’d be willing to bet, most will gain weight. It’s inevitable. Anyway, I digress.

Needless to say, May has been stressful. And I don't handle stress well. [see previous post] But I have checked most things off my list. The only things remaining are relatively fun activities: (1) find a formal gown for a graduation ball (less than 3 weeks) and (2) move. Easy peasy.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Let me start off that I recognize that I do not handle stress well nor uncertainty nor change.

Let me further state that I am currently snippy, aggravated, distracted, and in general, a real moody bitch.

Let me apologize in advance for my behavior for the next 2 months until I am settled in our new location.

Let me pledge that I will channel my angst toward a more positive reality to the best of my ability and not completely shred my hubby to pieces or snap at my innocent child or try the good humor of my friends.

I am heading to DC tomorrow for house-hunting. I will find suitable housing within our means. I WILL! I welcome prayers and positive thinking!

Moving should be viewed as exciting as this is another opportunity to reinvent myself (possibly to a working woman).

I will not let stress, uncertainty, & change get the best of me. I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR! (And when I get some money, I am getting a massage!)