Sunday, August 11, 2013

Pleasantly Surprised, Y’all, about West Texas

Abilene is not quite how I remembered it.  

For starters, since I’m here now, there is no reason to be cranky about it.  See previous cranky post.  DC is already a distant memory. I’m looking forward to the possibilities in Abilene, prettiest little town I’ve ever seen (if you like the color brown and squatty mesquite trees).  No, seriously, the town is much better than I remembered.  Plus I put my big girl panties on and quitted my bitchin’. ;)

Here’s my Top 10 “Why I Like Abilene”:

1.      Texas Bling & Cowboy Boots.  I need to get me some!

2.      Pedicures.  Every woman here gets pedicures (no joke) in order to unabashedly wear flip-flops.  (Just add some bling and you can even wear them to work!)

3.      Pick-up Trucks as the New Social Status!  I was a guest at the country club here in town, and I kid you not, more than half of the vehicles were some big ole American trucks. Few Audis, BMWs, Mercedes to be found. 

4.      Brisket, Salsa, Margaritas & Sweet Tea.

5.      Affordability.  I don’t feel broke here! 

Zoo camp is $140/week!  I’d pay at least $300 for a similar camp in DC and there would be no way I’d be able to sign him up the week before since the Type A parents of DC would have registered their darlings back in Feb!

Drop-in classes for Zumba are $7.  $7!  Seriously?! 

6.      Unpretentious. (I am starting to suspect that I might be the snooty one! Yikes!)

7.      Size Matters.  My house is BIG.  Size of a house is relative, right?  No, but really, it’s big with tall ceilings and an open kitchen. I can fulfill my domestic goddess kitchen duties while I keep an eye on the kids in the backyard or as they play in the living room.  It’s so convenient!

8.      Speed Limit is 75.  And people still drive over the limit!

9.      The view.  Every day when I drive my car around town, I have a very beautiful view of big open skies, wind turbines to the west, and a butte to the east.

10.  No traffic.  Ever.

There are plenty of things I don’t like, too, but I won’t kill the high I have right now recognizing all the things I appreciate right now in West Texas.  I’m sure the rant will come, but for now it’s an Attitude of Gratitude, y’all!