The pink slip is coming any day now.
Spoiled Wifey is having a difficult time facing the reality that her cushy full-time position will soon be eliminated. (The household duties remain constant, of course. But now it will require Wifey to figure out how to squeeze out at least one more hour into a very full day to maintain basic household services: menu planning, groceries, cleaning, laundry, and pet maintenance.)
But after months of cost cutting measures & draconian cutbacks on salon visits (resulting in bushy eyebrows; That truly isn’t pretty on me and does a number on my self-esteem.), even I know our current spending level is unsustainable. The red numbers on the balance sheet has a harshness to it that has me fretting, almost to the point of motivation to find paid employment. Almost.
Our upcoming relocation to a high cost of living area is producing anxiety and stress. I already had realized that I’m not going to get what I want. But now I am ALSO realizing that I have to go back to work to just break even (and to enjoy some things that make life more pleasant – for me that means regular, routine salon visits!).
Spoiled Wifey Moment: Since when am I required to work?! (The plan was for me to stay at home until our darling preschooler starts school. Added insult: Negotiations for Baby #2 are stalled. The opposing executive is dead-set against company expansion in the current business environment.)
If the thought of working isn’t depressing enough, I am now left to wonder what kind of work to do. I haven’t worked full-time in over 5 years. My part-time employment and volunteer pursuits have been sporadic and were done more for my personal enjoyment rather than for any resume building. I am so incredibly excited about the resume rewrite project and its associated soul-searching that inevitably goes with a job search and simultaneously redefining myself. I really am! [Insert face scowl here.] Do I take a job, any job, to increase the coinage in our family coffer? Or do I start thinking about career choices which most likely includes training & a return to school? Balance all of this with our pressing need for more income. (It’s looking more like a job, any job. Why do I feel like the wicked witch of the east after being soaked with frigid and dirty water? I’m melting! I’m melting!)
Despite my spoiledness, I know returning to work is necessary to avoid financial hardship. (Spoiled Wifey Disclaimer: Our situation isn’t anywhere near catastrophic yet. And I fully aware that there are many who struggle to meet basic needs.) I am hardly the first spoiled wifey to have to return to the work force begrudgingly.
Today, however, I am going to enjoy the beautiful sunshine of a perfect spring day while my precious preschooler plays outside with bubbles, because I can. Soul-searching begins tomorrow.
1. Company Chauffeur/driver: on-time service for pampered preschooler
2. HR Manager/Social Coordinator: phone calls
3. Building Custodian: Removed furniture & household items for donation
4. Pool Maintenance: Tested water level & purchased supplies
5. Coffee Break: Salon Visit (I really couldn’t handle the eyebrows today!)
6. Finance Manager: Expense report
7. Staff Writer: Research
8. Grounds Maintenance: Weeding
9. Company Chef: Providing a nutritious & appealing dinner on a budget
EXPENSES TODAY: $30 + $109 + $76 = $215
Seriously LOL! I'll be passing this blog on to a few of my other friends that consider themsleves Spoiled Wifeys.