Ah…leisurely sipping coffee in the company of my girlfriend(s)…it’s one of my greatest pleasures. Discuss. Sip. Chat. Sip. Vent. Sip. Contemplate. Sip. Encourage. Sip. Breathe.
Today my friend A and I ventured to Busboys & Poets in Shirlington Village for coffee and breakfast. We both give a thumbs up to the location, menu, vibe of the place and will definitely return. Our purpose today was to catch up after over a month of no coffee dates. After a very long wait, A and her husband have adopted a beautiful baby girl and, among the craziness of the holidays, is adjusting to parenthood. We have neither seen or communicated much except for a few texts and Facebook posts. I eagerly listened to her experiences with instant motherhood, nap schedules, and the joys of having the cutest baby girl who sleeps through the night. She is happy. And I am happy for her.
I tend to think that I don’t do very much in a week, especially in comparison (the dreaded comparison) to working moms. Always the same rote routine: groceries, cleaning, laundry, cooking, library runs, playing, errands (and coffee dates!). Granted the past two weeks have been different since we have celebrated Christmas (and my, oh my, the work involved in creating the magic! I wholeheartedly agree with Suburban Turmoil’s Dec 27, 2010 post “Let the Holidays Begin”. ). There is no school, and thankfully Hubby is home on vacation.
However, talking with A this morning made me realize just how many big topics I have addressed for my very curious child in the past 2 weeks. Wow! When does this get any easier?! It doesn’t. I know. But do I always have to feel so unprepared and ambushed?! In no particular order, my child and I have discussed the following topics in the past 2 weeks and let me just say, most came out of left field, of which I was not quite prepared:
Gay Marriage: “Mommy, Isn’t it funny if a boy and a boy get married?”
Death: “Mommy, I am sad that Nanay is turning into bones like the dinosaurs.”
Life Everlasting: “Mommy, I want you to become a vampire so you can live forever. And then I want you to make me a vampire, too so we can live forever together.”
Anatomy: “Mommy, How will the baby get out of your Belly?”
Mario Brothers Game: “Mommy, if I press on my scrotum, it gives me super fast power.”
Hubby and I must have been prepared for Christmas. Because we were not surprised by any questions about Santa and his elves, sleigh delivery time schedules, making of toys and keeping of lists nor on the religious side either, the birth of Jesus in a manger. Kiddo accepted it all without too much questioning….this year, anyway.
My coffee date with A was very refreshing for me because I got to reflect and delight in parenting and all its endless questions. A knows her time is coming. In only a few years she, too, will be answering the “tough” questions. After such heavy duty reflection, our coffee date
ended with a little bit of Cake Love. And that’s what the world needs – more love of any kind!
Next week: Coffee date with A & working mom K.