The biggest challenge for me, as a temporary single parent of
young children, is leaving the house becomes an execution of strategy and planning. Since the children obviously cannot be left
alone, they must accompany me everywhere.
Constant companionship is a challenge for me as well. Add sickness.
I can’t really go anywhere being a responsible citizen mama and limiting exposure. The situation is
not bad enough yet to seek relief. The
house, however, is beginning to feel like a prison.
Handsome Little Man has an upset stomach.
We attempted to break free.
After he slept off episode one for most of the morning and he ate a small lunch and claimed to feel much better,
we all set off for fresh air. Destination:
Washington Harbor to walk along the Potomac. Parking was hard to
come by and before I could find a space, Little Man began to complain
again. *sigh* I don’t want a repeat
incident away from home. Back home we
Sometimes my motherhood experience feels like near constant
vexation, punctuated with moments of joy.
I wish it were the other way around!
We made it home, just in time. Thankfully, Little Man is being a good sport
of it, with no whining.
Already this morning, I have dealt with a vomiting boy, spilled
apple juice on the sofa cushion, and urine on the living room floor (although I
was asking for it. I let Diva Darling
run around nude. Potty training does not
begin in earnest until after the move and we are settled). It’s the constant clean-up that I object
to. I like clean, just not the cleaning.
Relief is en route.
However, we are not going to attempt prison break #2. I texted the Hubby to take a taxi home.
I’m now planning my temporary escape when relief does
come. Due to the pending move 3 days
away (3 days away!), our cupboards are quite bare and definitely out of stock
of necessary upset stomach comfort foods and drinks. My escape will include a quick kid-free trip
to Safeway, a guilt-free snarfing of some fattening ice cream product like a
Wendy’s frosty, and 10 minutes of quiet somewhere, soaking in the fresh
non-humidity air and sunshine.
Good times, people!
Good times!
Does everyone have this much fun
and life challenges daily as me, but I'm the only one who broadcasts my
woe-is-me attitude? Or do I just have bad mojo??