Monday, April 26, 2010


I am extremely annoyed at Hubby.

He jokes that I live a life of luxury. I’m not sure if he truly knows what I do in a day. He must assume I sit on my ass all day talking with my friends and watching TV.

Since my SAHM days are coming to end, I guess I should record how I spend my days so I can recollect how good I had it. *sigh*

0730 Morning Duty
0830 Coffee break & chat with Christine
0930 Mow Lawn
1045 Personal Maintenance *
1130 Errand @ car dealership
1200 Pick up kiddo
1230 Impromptu lunch date **
1345 Dr Appt for kiddo ***
1500 Errand @ post office
1515 Shopping @ Hobby Lobby (bday party invitations)
1615 Snack & start dinner
1730 Dinner (pork chops, rice & broccoli)
1800 Dance class
1930 Bedtime Duty
2030 Kitchen Clean Up
2100 Ahhhh…..Me time

*How wonderful to shower & shave and not worry about the potential mischief that kiddo may be doing in the living room.

** My girlfriend texted that she was in the area and wanted to know if we could meet for lunch. I love that I can have impromptu lunch dates with good friends, just because. The schedule is such that allows for flexibility.

***Again how incredibly important to have flexibility in the schedule. I only watched the time because I had to entertain kiddo for quite awhile before he was seen by the doctor. We were at the dr office for over an hour.

Let’s not forget all the things that are done mindlessly throughout the day: emptying the dishwasher, picking up toys, sorting the mail, wasting time on Facebook, laundry, texting….

I AM a busy woman; I'm just not overcommitted…yet! I'm not overly stressed out. (Current stress level does not count!) I have the time to handle schedule changes. I have the time to help out/talk with a friend. I have the time to chaperone kiddo on field trips at school. Most importantly, I GET PLENTY OF SLEEP. Something will have to give when I start working again. I think it will be sleep, personal relationships, and my health (more stress). Later this week, I will brainstorm on the positive aspects of going back to work (salon visits, paying down debt, improved self-confidence, yada, yada, yada), but right now I want to wallow in self-pity.

What can I say? I'm spoiled.

$ 1.65 Coffee
$14.05 Lunch
$ 1.65 Coffee (I splurged on a 2nd cup.)
$ 4.90 Postage
$16.64 Hobby Lobby

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