I loved the adrenaline jolt I received yesterday morning after hitting the snooze button one too many times and realizing we were late, late, late for school. Curse you, Daylight Savings Time and my internal body clock! So I did what any good mama does--I smiled sweetly at the school secretary as she wrote a tardy slip for Little Man and then took Baby Girl to Starbucks to forgive myself. I'm gonna enjoy that extra hour of daylight for sure and try again.
I am happy to report that Day 2 of DST went somewhat better. The alarm blared on and on intermittently b/w the slamming of the snooze button. I did roll out of bed, sleepy, dragging, moaning slightly under my breath, until Hubby on his way out of the door said that our tax refund had cleared. Oh what’s that? Money to burn? Shopping to be done? Pedicures, anyone? Suddenly, I was Lil Miss Perky at the thought of cute sandals. Plus I realized I had less than 25 minutes to usher Little Man out the door.
Today is absolutely gorgeous weather. High 70s, sunny, slight breeze. I feel so alive and grateful on days like this. Hanging out with my beautiful baby girl who is mostly smiles and giggles. Running a few errands with a happy baby in tow. Afternoon stroll around the neighborhood (Good god, just watch out for the hills. I was huffing and puffing and some of those ‘hills” were very steep, I swear. I also might be just a tad bit out of shape.) Writing when the opportunity presents itself (naptime) with the windows open and my faithful dogs nearby. Chatting and connecting with two friends and my parents. Waiting for the bus. My only complaint today is the same complaint every day “What should I do about dinner?”
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