Tuesday, March 6, 2012

TLC Duty – One Step Closer to My Nomination of Mommy of the Year

After a successful birthday party for Baby Girl (and running around last week as a crazed mama with a checklist), I thought I'd be taking it easy this week. But nooooo, of course not. Party clean up rolled right into TLC Duty. Little Man developed a nasty cold with heavy congestion.  I have been enforcing afternoon naps. I have been monitoring the fluid intake. I have been wiping noses, taking temperatures, giving hugs, and in general being an attentive mama nurse. (I might baby the boy a little bit. )

I kept him home from school today, primarily because  he is a snot monster.  How much can he learn when he is wiping his nose every other minute? Besides we were both tired having been up at 4am to make the TLC rounds, to include the popular "I instantly feel  better crawling into my parents' bed to snuggle and sleep." (Today has been a highly caffeinated day.)

I rescheduled my two appts and then we took it easy for most if the day.  We did make a quick run into Barnes & Noble Bookstore for two specific get well items: Pigeon finds a Hot Dog by Mo Williems and Cars 2 DVD.  Until I saw the price. I refuse to pay $39.99 for a blu-ray DVD. That's ludicrous! Thankfully another title, in my price range, caught his eye.

Today though has been challenging in TLC management versus all other domestic chores. My house is a disaster.  All regular chores aside from dining support did not happen.  Baby Girl and Sick Little Man would take turns vying for my attention ALL DAY and well into the evening and long into the night I'm sure.

I'm typing this on my phone as I rock Baby Girl at 11:30pm. She too now has congestion and is uncomfortable. Little Man migrated to the living room couch, and having slept for hours this afternoon, is wide awake watching TV.

It's gonna be a long night.

And I can already tell tomorrow will be a repeat of today.

I can’t help to think "Did I shower today?" So maybe a shower at midnight is in order since clearly two days of TLC duty does not leave time for much else.

Yup, stinky but loving and attentive qualifies for mommy of the year.

1 comment:

  1. I think that yes, those missed showers need to be counted double or triple on the parent of the year applications, as do the 'I'll-just-come-snuggle-you-and-you-can-be-awake-instead' moments.
