Friday, October 15, 2010

Exciting Day: Ultrasound Reveals a Mini Me!

I might be one of the most spoiled women in the world. I’m getting exactly what I want! Ever since I’ve found out that I am pregnant, I am have been harboring a secret hope for having a girl. I tried not to think about the sex of the baby too much, because really what good would that do? I’ve just been trying to get through the not-so-fun aspects of pregnancy and this time around it has been a doozy! Today was a big day. Hubby & I went for the ultrasound and…..

It’s a GIRL!!!!!!!


I am smiling from ear to ear right now!

She’s looking good for her gestational age. No red flags or concerns from the technician or doctor. 8 ounces of pure joy in my belly! We saw her adorable little feet. She kept putting her hands in front of her face. She made sure to wiggle her fingers. And she bounced all over the place. I still can’t feel a thing (an sporadic flutter or two in the past week but nothing consistent) so apparently she has lots of room at the moment. No doubt she is practicing her dance moves (if she is anything like her mama!).

I am so excited! Now only time will tell if she actually looks like me or if the hubby’s gene pool wins out.

My little man is so excited, too! He sang “Just the Way You Are” by Bruno Mars to my belly this afternoon, which was too adorable. He will be a great big brother. Although he is voicing concern that mama will not have as much time for him. Hmmm….I have been preparing him for the transition, mainly the transition out of our bed which he migrates to almost every evening. I told him he won’t be able to do that once the baby comes. He was not pleased when told the baby will be sleeping next to me (in a co-sleeper next to the bed). He offered the baby his room. Ha!

Anyway, today has been a happy day, turning into a boring night. I decided to tackle the massive amount of paperwork that has been accumulating for the past year. The project is really massive as we need to establish a better filing system. The office is being moved to the basement to open the room up for the nursery. I tackled two piles which took an hour. *sigh* Just a little bit at a time, right?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fuzzy Socks & Hot Tea….Another Night in My Paradise…

I’ve been trying to find motivation to write today especially since I had a terrific day. I remember thinking earlier today about how I no longer feel like I’m dying and no longer exhausted. But alas, come 7PM and I don’t feel so great. So here I am, in mismatched pajamas, fuzzy socks, and drinking tea, wishing I wasn’t congested.

My day consisted of:

Pre-school Drop-off: We were late; However, we made it before the director locked the door, which is a small victory. Tomorrow, we will strive (like we do every day) to be ON TIME!

Lunch with Gal Pals: Great conversations today (well, we have great conversation every week!) but today seemed a little more revealing than usual. Or maybe my hormones have messed up my filter as I definitely provided a too-much-information moment. (I like to believe to know me is to love me!)

Pre-school Pick-up of a Very Happy, Talkative Child: I love that!




Michaels: Not a store for the weak. What is it about baubles & trinkets & craft supplies that is so addictive? I got out of there only $20 poorer. I was a woman on a mission. Never wander around in Michaels…it can only lead to over-extension of credit and rationalizations. Trust me on this one.


Played Hooky from Preggo Swim Class: I was a bit too wookie.

Fuzzy Socks: Hubby had bedtime duty. So I got to indulge in a bath, reading & now writing. It’s the little things…

Was your day in Paradise as exciting as mine?!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Worrywart = Spoiled Wifey

My accessibility to medical websites has provided me with just enough information to put me into a perpetual tizzy from my continually changing self-diagnosis. What I originally diagnosed as having a virus manifesting as a sore throat (I tried to be calm about it. I really did.) quickly turned into a diagnosis of either thrush or the beginning stages of throat cancer (Confession: I used to smoke. Geez!).

Uh, yes, I am a bit dramatic.

Anyway, as of last night, I had worked myself up. After 2 months of shenanigans in my throat, I needed a professional opinion TODAY. Thankfully, I was able to convey to the appointment line how important it was that I be seen today. When I finally saw my doctor, I tried to explain in a calm and sane manner my concerns (and exclude my self-diagnosis) and give her any pertinent medical information from the last 4 months (since this woman does not know me and who knows what’s actually in my records, that is IF they have my medical records.)

She took one look. And then another. Not because she was surprised by the severity of my condition but because she almost missed it. *sigh* So apparently, I know my body and its changes a bit too well. She was very kind. I mean she did say she understands that since I’m pregnant I’m much more attuned to the changes in my body. Why, yes, doctor, that must be it.

I did feel slightly vindicated, however, since she did test me for thrush. Negative.

Her assessment? Benign lymphoid tissue growth as a result of my recent tonsillectomy. I must have looked skeptical. She did refer me to an ENT, primarily for reassurance. She actually wrote on the paperwork “Reassure patient.”

So that was my morning. Worrying for nothing (although I’m still not completely convinced. I still am experiencing discomfort in my throat!). But then I went on my merry way as today was my weekly grocery trip.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Are You Looking For Me? I’m Here, Buried Under the Mountain of Laundry

Can you see me waving my dirty bra of surrender?

How many loads of laundry does your household produce in a week?

I started yesterday and am STILL working through the mountain. Now granted, I had a terrific visit with my sister & nieces. Therefore, this week the volume is higher than normal when you consider guest linens & towels for 4 extra bodies. But I also had an unexpected 3 loads due to the dreaded nighttime accident by little boy. When it’s all said & done (and hopefully it will all be done by tonight!), I will have washed 10-11 loads of laundry. Is it possible that I have that much stuff to clean?! It is possible. I think about my friends who have multiple children and marvel at their mountain of laundry cleaning skills. I think about those who have to haul their laundry to a Laundromat. I think about those who, god forbid, have to hand-wash.

This Spoiled Wifey is VERY grateful for her washing machine & dryer. I want to thank the inventor of the washing machine. Thank you, thank you, thank you!